Friday 5 October 2012

Question/advice 05/10/2012

Hello, this will be a regular blog post for people to comment there questions on then i will use a randomiser and pick three questions every sunday to answer or give advice on (they don't have to be game related either if you have other issues)

So don't be a shy guy and ask a question if you have one, Heck ill even do dating advice.


Yo guys, I would like to welcome you to my blog, though it may not  be the best around but it can still be helpful to some of you guys who are maybe new to the entire gaming experiences and the business behind it

I also want to give another blogger a shout-out for telling me about blogging and how to do blogs easily

and last but definitely not least is i would like to announce the birth of my youtube channel that will be posted soon

Daily Dr's News

Bethesda once again with yet another set of new dlc packs like heartfire and a Multi Player system coming in 4 months, oh and a new multi player storyline and supposed better graphics.
Great work Bethesda.....again.

In other gaming news, people fear total domination of the "cloud".
Why? simple, when you download and buy a game,  on something like steam it doesn't mean you "own" the game, your just borrowing the licence, meaning they can take it back off you if they want.
Don't think it happens? here is one phrase to help you think,ready?...... Dragon age 2.
Just cause it was a bad game with horrible storyline and bad graphics which was no better than the classic dragon age, doesn't mean they should have taken it away from  the down-loaders and give them there money back, its like taking a signed light-saber away from a star wars fan!
If you don't believe me look it up and you will find things like this.

This has been a short gaming update with longer and more in-depth ones to come so stay tuned!